Dinesh Chandra Panthy

Dinesh Chandra Panthy
A Quest for Wisdom

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

राइनासकोट नमुना गाउँ उदघाटन सँगै होमस्टे सञ्चालन

लम्जुङ जिल्लास्थित राइनास नगरपालिका, वडा-९ को शिरमा अवस्थित ऐतिहासिक कोट "राइनासकोट" को नजिकै रहेको राइनासकोट गाउँमा भूकम्प पछिको पुनर्निर्माण सम्पन्न भएको छ | पुनर्निर्माण अन्तर्गत १ सामुदायिक भवन र १४ वटा आवासीय घरहरुको नयाँ निर्माण तथा १ संग्राहलय (घुमाउने घर) र २ पुराना घरहरुको संरक्षण रहेका छन् | संगसंगै अमेरिका र संगसंगै नेपालको मुख्य आर्थिक सहयोग, सर्वोदय सेवाश्रमको स्थानीय समन्वय र स्थानीय जनताहरुको सहभागितामा सम्पन्न पुनर्निर्माणको जम्मा लागत २ करोड ५० लाख रहेको छ, जस मध्ये १ करोड ६० लाख बराबर “संगसंगै” बाट सहयोग र ९० लाख बराबर स्थानीय सहभागिता भएको छ | उक्त पुनर्निर्माणमा संगसंगै अमेरिका संयोजक नतासा ओजनियकको प्रमुख भूमिका रहेको छ |

     पुनर्निर्माण संगै ऐतिहासिक राइनासकोटको पर्यटन प्रवर्धन गर्ने तथा गाउँमा आर्थिक उपार्जनको नयाँ आयामहरु सुरुवात गर्ने उदेश्यले विधिवत रुपमा होमस्टे पनि सञ्चालन गरिएको छ | रास्ट्रिय योजना आयोगको माननीय सदस्य ई. डा. सुनिल बाबु श्रेष्ठले गत असोज-२१, २०७४ मा एक समारोह बीच नमुना गाउँ तथा होमस्टेको समुद्घाटन गर्नुभयो |

सर्वोदय सेवा आश्रमका अध्यक्ष कृष्णराज ओलियाको अधयक्षतामा राइनासकोट पुननिर्माण समितीका स्थानिय अध्यक्ष विष्णु गुरुङले स्वागत गर्दै सम्पन्न भएको समुद्घाटन समारोहमा राइनास नगरपालिका मेयर सिंह बहादुर थापा, पालुनटार नगरपालिका मेयर ई. दिपक बाबु कंडेल, दुधपोखरी गाउँपालिका अध्यक्ष छुपी माया गुरुङ, लम्जुंग जिल्ला प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारी युवराज मैनाली, उपप्रध्यापक नेत्रराज पौडेल, कृषि वैज्ञानिक धुव्र बहादुर थापा, नेपाल इन्जिनियर्स एशोशियसन पुर्व उपमहासचिव ई. दिनेश चन्द्र पन्थी, संगसंगै नेपाल संयोजक विवेक पण्डित, उद्योग वाणिज्य महासंघ लम्जुङका प्रतिनिधि गुणनिधि सिलवाल, नेपाली कांग्रेस प्रतिनिधि तथा स्थानिय समाजसेवी खड्ग बहादुर गुरुङ, ने.क.पा. एमाले प्रतिनिधि पूर्ण बहादुर गुरुङ, ने.क.पा. माओवादी प्रतिनिधि पुष्पराज खनाल, नयाँ शक्ति प्रतिनिधि राजु थापाले राइनासकोटको पर्यटन प्रवर्धन, होमस्टे संचालन तथा राइनास नगरपालिकाको विकासको सम्भावनाहरुको बारेमा विचार राख्नुभएको थियो | राइनासवासी तथा पत्रकारहरुको बाक्लो उपस्थितिमा सम्पन्न भएको उक्त कार्यक्रमको सञ्चालन रितमभरा पोखरेल र कीरण गिरीले गर्नु भएको थियो |

कार्यक्रममा राइनास नगरपालिका कै  बोराङबाट ब्राह्मण संस्कृतिको  भजन, बालुन, कुंडुलेबाट गुरुङ संस्कृतिको बार्हमासे घाटु र कोके गाउँबाट गुरुङ संस्कृतिकै स्यार्गा प्रस्तुत गरिएको थियो | त्यसैगरि स्थानीय छन्दकवि मातृका प्रसाद खनालले २०७२ को भूकम्पलाई सम्झदै रोचक कविता प्रस्तुत गर्नुभएको थियो | बेजोड साँस्कृतिक प्रस्तुतिहरूले प्रकृति र इतिहासको संगमस्थल राइनास नगरपालिका साँस्कृतिक र साहित्यिक हिसाबले पनि अत्यन्त उर्वर भएको स्पस्ट बुज्न सकिन्थ्यो | 

ऐतिहासिक दृष्टिकोणबाट गोरखा लिगलिगको राजा हुनुभन्दा पहिले द्रब्य शाहले लामो समय बिताएको स्थल राइनासकोट तत्कालिन लम्जुङे राजाको अत्यन्त महत्वपूर्ण पूर्वी सामरिक स्थल हो भने प्राकृतिक दृष्टिकोणबाट राइनास नगरपालिकाको लगभग केन्द्रमा अवस्थित राइनासकोट किल्लाबाट पुरा ३६० डिग्रीमा दृश्यावलोकन गर्न सकिन्छ | एकै विन्दुबाट बुद्ध, मनास्लु, अन्नपूर्ण, पिक ट्वान्टी नाईन, गणेश, माछापुच्छ्रे लगायत १८ वटा हिमश्रृङ्खलाहरु सहित सुर्योदय र सुर्यास्त  देख्न सकिने उक्त चुचुरोबाट राइनास नगरपालिकालाई घेरेका चेपे (चम्पावती) र मर्स्याङ्दी (कर्मदा) नदीका नागबेली बहावहरु संगै सुन्दर उर्वर फाँटहरुको पनि रमणिय दृश्यावलोकन गर्न सकिन्छ |    


  पूर्वी लमजुङकै प्रवेशद्वारमा रहेको राइनास ८ स्थित सर्वोदय सेवाश्रम वा राइनास ७ स्थित पाँचभाईबाट लगभग तीन घण्टाको पैदल दुरीमा पुग्न सकिने राइनासकोट किल्ला सम्मै सवारी यातायातको संजाल पनि पुगी सकेको छ | पैदल यात्रा गर्न चाहने र पैदल यात्रा गर्न गाह्रो हुने दुवैथरिका यात्रीहरुका लागि यो गन्तब्य स्वर्गानुभुति दिने खालको छ | राइनासकोटमा  शुरु गरिएको होमस्टेले यात्रीहरुको बसोवास सहज हुने तथा स्थानीय संस्कृतिको प्रत्यक्ष अनुभव गर्न सकिने कारणले अत्यन्त मनोरन्जन हुने विश्वास गर्न सकिन्छ |  

बार्है महिना पानी लाग्ने कृषिको अत्यन्त सम्भावना बोकेका राइनासटार, हर्राबोटटार, कैनीटार, तिनपिप्ले, अल्काटार, सातबिसे, टिमुरे, साहिलीटारका हरिया फाँट, टारी तथा बेसीहरु, दर्जनौं खोलानालाहरु, लुपू झरना, कर्मदा शिव ढुन्ढुर जस्ता विविध प्राकृतिक झरना तथा धरतीको गर्भ छुने खोंचहरु, चेपे र मर्स्याङ्दी नदीहरुमा अवस्थित ऐतिहासिक घाटहरु, असंख्य वन पैदावारहरु, जंगली जनावरहरु तथा विभिन्न प्रजातिका चराचुरुङ्गीहरुले भरिपुर्ण राइनास परापर्यटनको हिसावले पनि अत्यन्त महत्वपूर्ण गन्तव्य हो |

प्रकृति, संस्कृति र इतिहासको संगमस्थल राइनास अवश्य भ्रमण गरौँ |

-    ई. दिनेश चन्द्र पन्थी

Sunday, September 17, 2017

राइनास नगरपालिका, लम्जुङको नगर परिकल्पना कार्यशाला, २०७४-५-२४

(Workshop on Municipal Visioning of Rainas Municipality, Lamjung, Nepal, 2017-09-09 )

      २०७४-५-२४ (September 09, 2017) शनिवार राइनास नगरपालिकासंगको समन्यव र सर्वोदय सेवा आश्रम तथा भि.एस.ओ. नेपालको संयोजनमा नगरपालिकाको केन्द्र तिनपिप्लेमा नगर परिकल्पना (Municipal Visioning) सम्बन्धि एक कार्यशाला गोष्ठी सम्पन्न भयो | विशेष पहिचान सहित राइनास नगरपालिकाको परिकल्पना (Vision) तयार गर्ने र त्यसै अनुरुप रणनैतिक, आवधिक तथा संरचनागत योजनाहरुलाई  योजनाबद्ध रुपमा अगाडी बढाउदै राइनास नगरपालिकाको दिगो विकास गर्ने अभियानका साथ विगत देखि गरिएका प्रयासहरूको निरन्तरता स्वरूप यो कार्यक्रम गरिएको थियो |   
यस गोष्ठीको उदेश्य, योजनावद्ध विकासक्रमको पहिलो चरण अन्तर्गत नगरपालिकाको निर्वाचित प्रतिनिधिहरु तथा स्थानीय सरोकारवाला व्यक्तिहरुलाई भेला गराई विषय विज्ञहरुको प्रत्यक्ष मार्गदर्शनमा नगरपालिका परिकल्पना अभ्यास (Municipal Visioning Excercise) गराउने थियो |  त्यसै अनुरुप विषय बिज्ञ डा. संजय उप्रेती (उप प्राध्यापक, पुल्चोक क्याम्पस) ले मुख्य कार्यपत्र तथा प्रेम दवाडी, दिनेश चन्द्र पन्थी र बद्रि भट्टले सहयोगी कार्यपत्र प्रस्तुत गरिसकेपछी उपस्थित व्यक्तिहरुलाई पाँच (५) वटा समुहमा विभाजन गरि नगर परिकल्पना अभ्यास गरिएको थियो | कार्यक्रमको सहजीकरण स्थानीय अगुवा समाजसेवी कृष्ण ओलियाले गर्नु भएको थियो भने कार्यक्रमलाई संचार माध्यमसंग जोड्ने काम बिक्रम न्यौपानेले गर्नुभएको थियो |   
हरेक समुहको काम सामूहिक छलफल पश्चात नगरपालिकाको अग्रणी क्षेत्रहरु (Lead Sectors) पहिचान गर्ने, पहिचान गरिएको क्षेत्रहरुको आधारमा एक परिकल्पना नारा (Vision Statement) बनाउने र उक्त नारालाई वास्तविकतामा उतार्न सक्ने आधारहरु प्रस्तुत गर्नुपर्ने थियो | अभ्यासको लागि सबै समुहलाई एक देखि डेड घण्टाको समय दिईएको थियो भने दस मिनेटको प्रस्तुति गर्ने समय छुट्याइएको थियो | पाँचवटा समुहले परिकल्पना गरेका नाराहरु निम्न अनुसार थिए :
समुह १ :
“राइनास नगर : कृषि, पर्यटन र शिक्षाको आधार”

समुह २ :
कृषि, पर्यटन, शिक्षा र संस्कृति : स्वास्थ्य एवं रोजगारमा राइनासको संवृद्धि”

समुह ३ :
“राइनास संवृद्धिको अभियान : स्यरिय शिक्षा र कृषिमा ध्यान”

समुह ४:
आधुनिक कृषि र पर्यटकीय  शहर : समावेशी र वातावरणमैत्री राइनास नगर”

समुह ५:
“कृषि, शिक्षा र पर्यटन प्रबर्धन : समृद्ध राइनासको अभियान”

      सबै समूहले आआफ्नो कल्पनाहरु प्रस्तुत गरिसकेपछि पुन विषय विज्ञले सबै परिकल्पनाहरुलाई एकत्रित गरि साझा कल्पना (Common Vision) पहिचान गर्न अभिप्रेरित गर्नु भयो | केहिबेरको छलफल पश्चात सबैको साझा परिकल्पना “कृषि, पर्यटन र शिक्षा” मा आधारित हुने गरि अन्तिम रुप दिन नगरपालिकाका मेयर सिंह बहादुर थापालाई कार्यशाला गोष्ठीबाट उठेका सबैकुराहरु सहित सहभागीहरुले तयार गरेका पोस्टरहरु हस्तान्तरण भयो | नगरपालिका परिकल्पना अनुमोदन भैसकेपछि त्यसलाई विकासको मियो मानेर नगरपालिका भित्र गरिने हरेक क्रियाकलापहरुलाई प्रत्यक्ष अप्रत्यक्ष रुपमा परिकल्पनासंग जोड्नु पर्ने कुरा विज्ञ डा. उप्रेतीले भन्नु भयो | सहभागीहरुबाट प्रस्तुत गरिएका साझा अवधारणालाई नगरपालिका पदाधिकारीबाट अनुमोदन गरि जनमानसमा लाने, सर्वसाधारणहरु सबैमा मुखरित गर्ने र त्यसै अनुरुप रणनैतिक योजना, आवधिक योजना तथा संरचनाहरु निर्माण गर्दै जाने कुरामा मेयर सिंह बहादुर थापा र उपमेयर धन कुमारी गुरुङले प्रतिबद्धता जनाउनु भयो | कार्यक्रममा सुन्दरबजार नगरपालिका र पालुंगटार नगरपालिकाका मेयरहरुलाई पनि आमन्त्रण गरिएको थियो |
उक्त कार्यक्रम पश्चात परिकल्पनामा आधारित हुँदै सम्भावित रणनैतिक योजनाहरुको तर्जुमा सम्बन्धि छलफल गर्ने र नगरपालिकालाई सुझाव दिने उदेश्यले स्थानीय कृषि विज्ञहरु, पर्यटन विज्ञहरु र शिक्षाविदहरुको सुची (Experts Roster) तयार गर्ने अभियान शुरु भएको छ | आफ्नो क्षेत्र र  विज्ञता सहित सम्पर्क फोन, ईमेल उपलब्ध गराईदिन विषयविज्ञ राइनासवासीहरुमा अनुरोध गरिन्छ |
  परिकल्पना नारा (Vision Statement) सम्बन्धि छलफल चलि नै रहेकोले यहाँहरुलाई उपयुक्त लागेको सोच, सपना र सुझाव दिई आफ्नो विषय तथा पेशागत सम्बन्ध (Professional Connection) गाउँसम्म विस्तार गर्न र सकारात्मक सोचका साथ दिगो राइनास विकासको अभियानमा सहभागी हुन सबै राइनासबासीमा विशेष अनुरोध छ | धन्यवाद |

   दिनेश चन्द्र पन्थी
dineshpanthy@gmail.com, ९८५१०७०९१२

Monday, April 3, 2017

स्थानीय चुनावमा कस्ता उम्मेदवारहरुलाई भोट हाल्ने ?

‘नेपालको संविधान २०७२’ घोषणा हुने ताका केहि विद्वान मित्रहरुले तर्क राखेका थिए,  स्थानिय निकाय सकेसम्म दलिय राजनीतिबाट मुक्त हुनुपर्छ र त्यो कुरा संबिधान मै ग्यारेन्टी गरिनुपर्छ| केहि गरि नगरप्रमुख वा गाउँप्रमुखमा त्यस्तो हुन सकेन भनेपनि वडा प्रतिनिधिहरु र त्यो भन्दा तलका पदहरुमा राजनीतिक उपस्थिति हुनुहुदैंन | नेपालको सामाजिक चालचलन, पहिचान र  स्थानिय सामान्य विकास निर्माणमा समेत दलिय राजनीतिले पुर्याउन सक्ने नकारात्मक प्रभावलाई गहिरो गरि विश्लेषण गर्दा यो विचार अत्यन्त सान्दर्भिक थियो | तत्कालिन नेपाल इन्जिनियर्स एशोसियसनको ३० औँ कार्यकारी परिषदको तर्फबाट सरकारलाई बुझाईएको सुझावमा समेत यो कुरा प्रष्ट लेखिएको छ |

विगतलाई सम्झदा २०५०-५१ साल तिर गाउँघर, छरछिमेकमा दलिय राजनीतिको अत्यन्त चर्को प्रकोप थियो, विकास निर्माणको कुरा त परै राखौं, सामान्य अइचोंपैंचो, मेलापातोमा समेत आफ्नो रगत भन्दा दलको प्रभाव बढी थियो | सामाजिक बहिस्करण तथा  छरछिमेकमा झगडाको मूल कारण फरक राजनीतिक विचार हुने गर्दथ्यो, पानी बाराबारको अवस्था थियो| एकै थातथलोमा हुर्किएर सदियौं देखि दुखसुख, विहाबारी, मर्दापर्दा समेत संगै हुने मान्छेहरु बिचपनि एकप्रकारको निषेधको भावना थियो| हामी केटाकेटि हुदाँ समाजमा देखिएका यस्ता निकृष्ट दलिय राजनीतिको प्रभावले अझैं सम्म मेरो र म भन्दा तलको केहि पुस्ताहरु नराम्रोसंग ग्रसित छौं | हरेक कुरालाई दलिय चस्माबाट हेर्ने, समाजमा केहि गरौँ भन्ने सोच बोकेका मान्छेहरुलाई अनावश्यक राजनीतिक ट्याग लगाउने, सामाजिक सम्बन्धमा समेत दलिय सोचलाई अगाडी राख्ने प्रवृति त्यहि बेला नै छिरेको रोग हो र यस्ता रोगहरु भित्र्याउनमा स्थानिय दलिय निकायहरु बढी जिम्मेवार छन् | शिक्षामा भएको तुलनात्मक विकासको कारणले जुनै पार्टीको वकालत गरेपनि त्यस्तै हो भन्ने र राजनीतिक विचारकै आधारमा भेदभाव गरिने प्रबृत्ति कताकता कमजोर त भएको छ तर प्रसस्तै प्रभाव अझैं बाँकी नै छ | समाजलाई जोड्ने पहिलो कडी स्थानिय सस्कृति, परम्परा, भाषा, धर्म,सामाजिक सम्बन्धहरु हुन्छन् र ति चिजहरु दलिय राजनीति भन्दा माथि हुनुपर्दछ | हामी नेपालीहरु सदियौं देखि धेरै गहिरो र जेलिएको सामाजिक सम्बन्धले बाँधिएका छौं र यो हाम्रो पहिचान पनि हो| हाम्रो जस्तो अर्धशिक्षित समाजको तल्लो निकायमा चर्को दलिय राजनीतिको उपस्थीति हुँदा हाम्रो पहिचान झल्काउने मान्यताहरु कमजोर हुन सक्छन् |

सामान्य ग्रामिण विकास निर्माण तथा सार्वजनिक सचेतनामुलक कामहरु जहाँ स्थानिय जनताको एकता, प्रत्यक्ष सहभागिता र योगदानको आवश्यकता पर्दछ त्यस्तो ठाउँमा दलिय राजनीतिको उपस्थिति हुनु राम्रो हुँदैन| निर्माणका कामहरुले गति नलिने त छँदै छ, यसको अलावा राजनीतिक मद्भेदको कारणले सबै स्थानिय जनताले अपनत्व महसुस नगर्ने र उचित योगदान पनि गर्न नखोज्ने हुनाले कामको दीर्घकालीन परिणाम नआउने हुन सक्छ | यसले गर्दा राज्यको तर्फबाट धेरै खर्च गरेको देखिने तर स्थानिय स्तरमा खर्चको परिणाम नदेखिने हुन्छ जुनकुरा कसैको लागि पनि हितमा हुँदैन |

उसो भए के स्थानिय तहमा मात्रै न्यून दलिय उपस्थिति हुँदा सबै राजनीतिक भेदभाव र यसले भित्र्याएको नकारात्कम परिणामहरु सबै हटेर जाला त ? फेरि प्रादेशिक र संघिय चुनाव त छदै छ नि, त्यसले फरक पार्दैन ? तुलनात्मक रुपमा स्थानिय तहमा न्यून दलिय उपस्थिति हुने हो भने धेरै नै फरक पर्दछ | प्रादेशिक वा संघिय चुनावमा स्थानिय चुनावमा जस्तो घर-घर टोल-टोलको झगडा, छरछिमेकको वैमस्यता, राजनीतिक दुराभाव र रिसइवी राखिराख्ने हुँदैन| संघीय चुनावहरुमा आफ्नो नाता सम्बन्ध, अइचोंपैंचो, मेलोपातो गर्नेहरुको बिचमा सामान्य मद्भेद बाहेक तुलनात्मक रुपमा धेरै ठुलो दर्हार आउँदैन | हामीलाई जनस्तरमा दलिय स्वार्थबाट अभिप्रेरित हुँदै मद्भेदको विउ रोप्ने भन्दापनि सबैलाई एउटै मालामा गाँस्न सक्ने इमान्दार नेतृत्वको खाँचो छ | राष्ट्रिय स्तरमा विविध प्रकारको राजनीति चरित्र देखिओस तर तल्लो तह धेरै हिसाबले एक ढिक्का हुन जरुरी छ|

अब चुनाव त आईसक्यो, अहिले आएर चुनाव सम्बन्धि प्रावधानहरु परिवर्तन हुनेपनि होइनन्, जति कुरा गरेपनि आखिर अहिलेकै पार्टीहरुले नै प्रतिनिधित्व गर्ने हुन्, यस्तो बहसको के महत्व छ भन्नेपनि हुन सक्छ | सरसर्ती हेर्दा यस्तै लाग्छ तर यो बहसको महत्व छ | कुनै न कुनै दल कै प्रतिनिधिलाई भोट हाल्नुपर्ने अवस्थामा पनि स्थानिय मतदाताहरुले आफ्नो आस्थाको पार्टी उम्मेदवारलाई नै अन्धाधुन्द भोट हाल्ने मनस्थितिलाई त्यागी सामाजिक एकता, संस्कार, सद्भाव र आफ्नो समाज प्रति अपनत्व बोकेको मान्छे हेर्नुपर्दछ | सामाजिक सम्बन्ध, मेलमिलाप, जागरण र विकास निर्माणमा विगत देखि योगदान गरेको, समाजसेवी, सकारात्मक सोचले भरिएको, स्वप्नदर्शी इमान्दार उम्मेदवार कुनै पार्टीमा जोडिएर आएपनि उसलाई त्यो पार्टी भन्दा माथि राख्नुपर्दछ | राजनीतिक विचार अनुसार संघिय तथा प्रादेशिक सरकार बन्दछ, उसले आफ्नो आर्थिक नीति, विकास नीति, सामाजिक सुरक्षा नीति जस्ता विविध नीतिहरु बनाउँछ, लागु गर्छ तर स्थानिय सरकारले स्थानिय जनतासंग प्रत्यक्ष सरोकार राख्ने दैनिक कार्यहरुमै ध्यान केन्द्रित गर्नुपर्दछ, कसरी बिना भेदभाव उनीहरुलाई सहज सेवा दिने त्यसमै केन्द्रित हुनुपर्दछ | स्थानिय स्तरमा दलिय स्वार्थलाई अगि सार्ने मान्छेले या त सामाजिक मान्यताहरुको महत्व र त्यसको दीर्घकालीन असर राम्रोसंग बुझेको हुँदैन या कुनै व्यक्तिगत तृष्णाबाट अभिप्रेरित भएको हुन्छ | यी कुराहरुमा राजनीतिक दलहरु गम्भीर र जिम्मेवार हुँदै स्थानिय निकायहरुलाई दलिय राजनीति भन्दा कसरी टाढा राख्न सकिन्छ सोच्नु पर्दछ| क्षमताका हिसाबले पनि अबको नगरपालिका वा गाउँपालिकामा अनुभवी र ठुलो प्रसासनिय समुहलाई परिचालन गर्न सक्ने योग्यता र क्षमता भएको व्यक्ति हुनुपर्दछ|  
     संघिय र प्रादेशिक चुनावमा दलका चुनाव चिन्ह नै हेर्न परेपनि हेरौंला, केन्द्रिय राजनीतिक स्थायित्वको लागि त्यो राम्रोपनि हुनसक्छ तर स्थानिय चुनावमा भोट हाल्ने बेला आफुले मान्दै आएको दल भन्दा माथि उठौं,  माथि उल्लेखित गुणहरु बोकेको मान्छे छ भने स्वतन्त्र वा दलगत उम्मेदवारहरुमा फरक नदेखौं, छानी छानी भोट हालौं, सदियौं देखि स्थापित हाम्रा उदाहरणीय सामाजिक मान्यताहरुलाई उच्च प्रार्थमिकतामा राखौं | अब हुने स्थानिय चुनावले फेरि २०५०-५१ सालको जस्तो दलिय राजनीतिक रोग गाउँमा नभित्र्याओस |

-    - दिनेश चन्द्र पन्थी, पुर्व उपमहासचिव, नेपाल इन्जिनियर्स एशोसिएसन


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

"Life in China" - My Own Story

Nepal has long standing and cordial relation with China. If we go back to history it can be traced the Nepal-Tibet relation from the mid of 7th Century and a special relation with china at the time of Yuan Dynasty. Many stories and events can be read about frequent visit of many saints, philosophers and explorers as well as people to people relation between two historically sovereign countries even before the 7th century. Buddhism was expanded long back throughout the Asia from the land of Nepal. Araniko (also called ‘Anige’ or ‘Aniko’), a great architect from Nepal brought the trans-Himalayan artistic culture to influence the chinese art at the time Yuan Dynasty. He was figured out as one of the people’s level representative and important figure to establish relation between China and Nepal. He built the historic landmarks in china, i.e., “White Stupa” in Beijing and “Golden Stupa” in Tibet.
Besides all of these memorable formal and informal relations, Nepal had established a new, formal and continual diplomatic relation with People’s Republic of China on 1955. Nepal though having so long historic relation and sharing more than 1200 kilometers long border with its northern neighbor, it is surprising to me that most of our common people are unaware of our culture, tradition and emotion. As I know, many of our common people are unknown of many things about the grown up and basic values of so closely related and bordered neighbors. We have a lot of stereotypes about china like Chinese are more introvert, unfriendly, workaholic, don’t like and share with foreigners, very strict etc.
For me, though I have visited this beautiful and mysterious country few times before, it’s always been a part of my study and curiosity. Apart from my previous short visits which were mostly official, I find a lot of facts and figures and have good opportunity to interact and explore more about common Chinese people, their feelings and values during my course of MBA study at South China University of Technology. Throughout the whole essay, I will share my natural feelings on the base of what I have perceived during my adaptation process and what I have experienced and gathered from my visit of different places inside china. Throughout this essay, I am following introvert perspective rather that extrovert and trying to explore the realities above the stereotype that I had before as well as the similarities and differences with our culture.
The last week of July, 2016 was the time of much excitement and full of happiness to me when I first heard about my selection to study high level MBA program under Youth of Excellence Scheme (YES) china at South China University of Technology, Guangzhou. As I had already spent my ten years of professional life in telecommunication field, MBA was highly awaited degree for me before my selection in China. At those days I used to think that MBA is good academic degree to enhance my professional and managerial skill and to understand the modern corporate world. Anyone could easily guess the level of happiness of a person wining such a highly competitive scholarship who had a high perception and deep interest on MBA degree. Anyway my happiness was in apex and my excitement was much more than my previous visit to china. From the last week of July to last week of August, I spent my most of days preparing for china. After handing over my job in office, arranging everything in home and preparing many things for china, I flied to this mysterious country with a lot of expectation and high excitation on 27th of August 2016 for one year.
First Day:
(Full of curiosity and excitement)
I arrived in Guangzhou on morning of 28 august 2016. The clear dewy morning and pleasing breeze attracted me a lot and added unexplainable emotion inside me. As soon as I landed, I got a VIP treatment and sweet hospitality by the airport staffs which was my first and memorable impression about china. As I finished my job in immigration and drove out, I was amazed by clean and wide roads, tall buildings, highly planned streets and parks and the Chinese faces seen around my way. I felt that I was in entirely different part of world. Shortly, I reached Saibao Hotel located at the west corner of North campus of SCUT and received a warm welcome by beautiful lady at the hotel reception. After finished my passport and visa checking, she assigned room number 608 to be shared between me and my friend Jagrit Acharya, a young full of positive attitude and highly motivated guy as my roommate throughout my study at SCUT.  After that, we were almost alone for next few hours. There was no phone call, there was no information where to take breakfast, there was nobody to guide us what to do next. As I was on the flight for whole last night, I was really hungry and tired. My excitement was started to downturn and I started to remember my home and family in Nepal.
Almost four hours later, there was a knock at our door. As I opened the door, there was beautiful lady standing outside, we introduced each other, her name was “Hera”. I knew that she was school representative and coming to take us to school of International Education (SIE). In no time, we got ready and followed her. This was again a happy moment after few hours of loneliness. We went to SIE office, got introduced with Mr. Rocco, Mr. Oceansea, Ms. Fang, Ms. Gui and others and got our admission done. Hera took us along with Mongolian friends for lunch at a café nearby. It was so delicious. After few minutes of rest in SIE, she took us to ICBC bank in Wushan and got our bank account opened. The things like wide and open areas, beautiful lakes, gardens, buildings, many Chinese and abroad students roaming all around the university drew my attention and I was really fascinated. Proudly, I thought that I will spend a whole year in such a beautiful place. In overall, the whole day was full of curiosity and excitement.
Days before the start of Class
(Mixture of a lot of shocks and average happiness)
We were informed that our class will be started from the 12th of September 2016. As I know, the intention of school was to make us familiar with the place, food, culture, Chinese rules and regulations, city transportation, city centers and local restaurants before the start of our regular classes. From the next day, I started to encounter real problem for food and language. As I have grown up in Hindu family, I could not accept the pork and beef in my regular meal. The sea foods were also not much familiar to me. I could not find any restaurant and food nearby without having pork, beef and sea foods. I didn’t have much money to pay for big restaurant.  Another was Language. At those days, almost nobody spoke English to us. In local restaurants, we got real problem to order foods. We used a lot of non verbal languages to communicate which was full of humor and little fun.  That was really a hard time for me. I missed my family, home, food and my busy schedule. In Nepal, I mostly prefer rice with vegetable curry and gravy pulse. The food timing in Nepal and China is also different. We suffered from many shocks during first week in china. I didn’t have any Chinese friend to ask everything all the time. When I had serious problems, I used to write Hera. She helped us a lot. Unlike of others, I started to face many cultural shocks like loneliness, homesickness, laziness, helplessness and joblessness from the first week because of food, language and a lot of free time. I used to think bitterly that why there are so many differences between two countries though being geographically so near.  I used to think that I was completely separate from the Chinese culture and could never integrate in this alien world.
However, the orientation program of School of International education held on 2nd of September 2016 at South campus of SCUT was historic for me. Among many aspirants, I was selected to give an inaugural speech from the side of international students. I seriously utilized the opportunity and successfully performed. My speech was highly appreciated by the faculties and students from around the world which suddenly raised my barometer of excitement and happiness. I felt a lot of strength and self empowerment.
Till sepember-12, 2016, utilizing the free time, me and my roommate explored a lot in Guangzhou. We visited city centers, shopping malls, explored the metro, enjoyed the public parks, searched the Nepalese restaurants, tried to find the Nepalese students in SCUT and communities in Guangzhou. We tried to engage us as more as possible so that we could be coped with culture shocks. That really worked for us. Slowly and slowly, I became familiar with our classmates from Central, South and East Asia and Africa. I could easily guess the similar situation been faced by most of our foreign friends which was another source of relative strength for me.  On the top of all shocks and discomforts, there was a good opportunity for education, exposure and shiny rays of hope for my future. From all of these events and understanding, I gathered a lot of strength to struggle against all kinds of hardship.
Days after the start of classes  
(Crisis and Adjustment)
Our formal class, followed by brief orientation and short introduction between us, staffs and faculties of School of Business Administration (SBA) was started from 12th of September 2016. That was one the proud moments for me as I became a member of diverse students representing different continents, cultures, traditions and values. I always learned to respect the diversity and to find a unity in diversity. I should not forget to mention Ms. Sherry, a beautiful, smiling and young lady and an active staff of SBA who has been caring and co-operating a lot from the beginning of our study.  During second half of September 2016, I visited many places in and outskirts of Guangzhou like Lingnan Impression park having full of traditional chinese heritage, “Austrian Village” giving a sense of typical village of Europe in Huizhou, China Southern electric grid in Huizhou,  participated the gathering of Non-Resident Nepalese Association for the first time in Guangzhou, explored the Chinese values of education and morals promoted by a great philosopher Confucius, enjoyed typical Chinese foods and interacted with many innocent chinese people besides the regular classes. In overall, the second half of September was full of activities, much more delightful and fruitful to me.  
 The whole month of October 2016 was full of pleasure and affection though I missed some major festivals like Dashain (Festival of Victory of divinity over devil) and Deepawali (Festival of Light) in Nepal. I utilized Chinese national days of first week of October and again for few days on the last week of October to visit and meet my wife and daughter in Changsha, a capital of Hunan province. I spent full first week inside Central South University, Changsha with my family for the first time in China. I had never been expected before that I would have such opportunities to have family gathering in China. I met many Nepalese students graduating in Medicine. I spent days completely in homely environment, participated in dinner organized by Nepalese friends and celebrated Dashain for the first time in abroad. After spending warmth first week in Changsha, I returned back to Guangzhou and again celebrated Dashain with Nepalese students in SCUT and Nepalese in Guangzhou. At the mid of October, I observed the mega Canton fair and amazed by the wonderful manufacturing capacity of Chinese manufacturers. The Changsha visit of last week of October was also joyful as I took time to visit Orange Island and paid homage to Mao Zedong, a great revolutionary socialist leader of Modern china as well as I explored the city corners with my family. Regarding our classes of  October, the lectures of “operation management” by Prof. Chung-Li Tseng from University of New South Wales, Australia, “Culture, Ethics and Leadership” by Prof. Zhu Wenzhong and “Managerial Economics” by Prof. Zeng Yu-Ran from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, “Chinese Culture and Intercultural Communication” by Prof. An Ran and Prof. Liu Cheng, “Management Organization Theory” by Prof Li Min, “Public Policy Analysis” by Prof. Yu Feng and “ basic Chinese” by Ms. Zhao Lu were highly contentful and useful to my professional career. The team of professors having wide exposure on their areas shared a lot of global corporate knowledge and modern managerial skills to cope with the future competitive globalized business world. I really had important time to sharpen my knowledge about corporate world during those lectures. The problem of language and food in common Chinese restaurant were not severe like that of before. I used many techniques like classroom interaction, self awareness and exploration of alternatives, survival of the fittest and rational acceptance to adapt the new life in china.
The days of November and December of 2016 were full of pressure, highly occupied and stressful. I went through a lot of ups and downs, pleasure and discomfort, excitement and anxiety.  I felt that my honeymoon period of cultural adaptation was going to over. Slowly and slowly I started to enter into the real crisis period though my initial days of November were comparatively normal.  During those months we have a lot of classes from morning to evening, group presentations of every subject, reviews, home works, case studies, class works and exams. The preparation and defense of dissertation proposal took plenty of time and left a lot of stress. We visited Pearl River Beer factory, Xinyi Pavilion and Lychee Bay in Li Wan district, new Nansha project at Nansha district, GRG Banking, China Mobile and many other corporation and places as our enterprise visit. Those visits imparted many hand on and practical knowledge and supplemented my happiness. But, the overall stress was more than the happiness brought by those visits.
Among many academic visits, the visit of “Guangzhou Pumped Storage Power Station” in Conghua, Guangzhou coordinated by Prof. An Ran on last week of November and my private visit of late Mao Zedong’s home at Shaoshan, Hunan with my wife and daughter on first week of December  left very strong and delightful impression upon me.  The heavenly combination of beautiful Mother Nature, landscape and marvelous engineering master piece at Conghua Power station could not be easily expressed in mere words. Similarly, I was highly attracted by the simplicity of Mao’s rural home and its similarity with the many Nepalese rural homes. As I born and grown up in typical village of Nepal, I felt oneness while I reached Shaoshan, Hunan.     
On the top of busy schedule and stress, the class activities of November and December were very important, useful, professional and illustrating a lot of corporate examples around the world. I was particularly impressed with the “Corporate Development Strategy” by Prof. Di Deng from Jinan University. I really felt so much contentful on theory, practice and emerging global corporate world. Those months were crucial for me for overall learning and boarder understanding of the world. I encountered and interacted with many foreign and Chinese friends, understood their values, learned to respect the cultural diversity, educated to accept the difference of individual perception and remove the stereotype.
After all of these comprehensive understandings, I became more normal regarding the intercultural adaptation at the second half of December and mostly focused on my academic activities with high enthusiasm on these days.
By the time, I have accepted many common foods in china, valued the rich Chinese traditions, made a lot of Chinese friends and understood the basic Chinese emotions and values unlike of stereotypes. I found a lot of similarities between our traditional beliefs, customs and rural grown up which made me proud and high belongingness with china.  Most of current days are so smoother except some stresses due to my personal reason.

Concluding Remarks
Swimming through ocean of these experiences, studies and involvements, I think that I should share some concluding remarks about my holistic understanding and feeling about china to help my fellows.
·         I find that common Chinese people are bit shy to talk to foreigners at the first encounter. Language is the main cause. Off course, they are not unfriendly, uncooperative and only introvert unlike we learned in different sources. Once we become little close to Chinese, then they are really friendly, helpful, hospitable and happy to share. Most of them feel pride if they have foreign friends.  

·         Chinese are becoming more and more open-minded in all aspects of life and in later days they are being learned to accept and respect the global diversity.

·         Chinese people are highly industrious. Their duty, responsibility and regular jobs are really big matters for them. In my opinion, the synergistic impact of this Chinese nature is providing a powerful impetus for overall Chinese development.

·         Many Chinese are entrepreneurial and become more and more innovative in business these days. The priority given by state to research and development and innovation is truly praiseworthy. I am delighted to see the government priority on education and advancement of Chinese universities. 

·         Most of Chinese are very strict in state rules and regulations. The government policies are being effectively communicated in every sectors and upto the grass level. I feel that China is a highly cohesive society, that’s why the implementation of state strategies is very effective and fast.

·         The overall society is remarkably hierarchical and highly directed. Respect and discipline before seniors are a lot of meaning. Most of the Chinese corporation and institution are highly seniority dependent.   

·         China is very rich in traditions and cultures. The growing use of technology to promote the traditional values is remarkable.

·         China is growing with high passion to become a very powerful and important global player. The developing countries have to learn from overall physical infrastructures, corporate culture, planned economy and multi dimensional development of China.  

Ultimately, I learned that if we like to be wise, we have to learn to be fair and open-minded, accept the differences, adapt in diversity, start to see the things from positive perspective, always ready for change and most importantly “treat others as we would like to be treated”.

- Dinesh Chandra Panthy